Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 6 P90X

Wow Day 6 has been my most favorite work out yet! It is Kenpo X, there was a ton of kicking and punching, jumping and blocking.  I cant say that I was totally in my element because the punch jab kick combos are killer and I am not very coordinated BUT I seriously loved it.  I felt the burn AND had my heart rate going and I still have the energy to keep going but I have to get on with my plan for today.  Today I am going on a hot date with my Hubby.  6 days in I have more energy, and I do feel better than I have in forever.  In a few days I will post a picture looking at the changes I have made in a week.  Even if there isnt much change on the outside of my body the inside is soooo much better. Now just to seriousy watch what I eat... but HOW can i do that when so many DELICIOUS foods are bad for you?? haha See you on day 7!!  OH yeah the mioenergy water additive is delicious and it actually helps on those days you need the extra energy.  PLUS you can get a few energy drinks out of one bottle that costs less to maybe the same as one can of energy drinks.  Tomorrow is either stretch x or Yoga x... not sure what I will try tomorrow because i have a choice but I sure am going to love doing it.  Aside from listening to the P90X guy... he is slightly annoying BUT he is motivational so I will listen.

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